solar you can trust
We are a different kind of company
We install a different kind of solar

It Is Time to Go Solar
By going solar, you'll be saving time, saving money, and most importantly - saving our planet.
Why Should I Go Solar?
Better for the Environment
Electricity from sunlight is literally landing on your roof or land everyday. You can harvest and use electricity right from your own property and reduce pollution associated with generating and transmitting electricity the way Grandma and Grandpa used to do it.
Cost Cutting
Wait? Solar feels good, it's cool and it makes money?! Yes, it's true. Today, solar costs for a financed project or cash purchase - these costs have dropped greatly! It's now cheaper to make your own electricity than it is to buy it from your electric company. Feels good, too!
Increased Home Value
"I'm your house telling you that 1). when it costs less to run me each month, then 2). it is easier for someone to qualify for a mortgage to buy me when you're ready to sell. Some lender consider the cost of utilities when qualifying a buyer." Get solar, today :)
Planning and Saving
There are only 2 kinds of solar companies:
THEM: a disorienting assembly line
SAFE HOME: Artisan and collaborative
SafeHome puts the most knowledgeable people closest to you, our client. At a fair price.

How SafeHome.Solar Systems Work?

Paperwork & Agreement
We have a wonderful contract that gives you peace of mind and trust. We handle plans, utility docs, permits, inspections and utility approval.
We're SafeHome.
We're solar you can trust.
Site Eligibility
Who decides what can fit?
There are 2 types of companies:
THEM: Sign, and find out
SAFE HOME: complete and final design, then sign.
We're SafeHome.
We're solar you can trust.​
Installation & Permissions
We design full plans for your project - even when some cities grant "no plans" permits. This helps document installation and gives you a complete digital dossier for home or business. Why? We're SafeHome.Solar
Utility Connection
Solar is one of the most complex paperwork construction projects in USA. You NEED our expertise to navigate the utility's scavenger hunt process to get to approval.
Solar On!
Gen X said to America:
"Party on!"
Millenials and Zoomers say:
"Solar On!"